Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Play clothes possibilities…

Summer is theoretically over, and it’s “back-to-school” time. I remember as a kid, when I got home from school I always had to put on my play clothes. That usually meant a t-shirt and some old jeans—and it still does. Here’s some of Mr. Peacock’s current favorite t’s:

After school play frequently involved 2 wheels. This Victorian cat and his bicycle t-shirt remind me of the Tweed Run. Who doesn't need a little glory—the namesake Glory t-shirt from the Hollywood motorcycle shop.

Mr. Peacock likes clocks and this grid of clocks t-shirt is no exception. This is a lovesong...a nostalgic nod to the 80’s (and PiL)—stacks of cassette tapes t-shirt.

I like the bright shapes of color on this "Modernism" t-shirt, and the faux scarf t-shirt is just silly fun.

I can’t decide if I like this faux umbrella t-shirt—but I like the concept.

Mr. Peacock usually isn’t fond of t-shirts that have logos, but these two shirts are an exception—Vivienne Westwood, and Nike.

This “Permanent Vacation” t-shirt sounds good right now. I think I like this Janus Films t-shirt because I love the films they distribute.

Mr. Peacock loves typography…and dancing...this t-shirt sums it up. Orbital rings make this t-shirt clean and graphic.

This orange t-shirt is my favorite because it looks like it could be a billboard in India or Mexico (without the type). I like the color and bold lines on the bold tsunami t-shirt.

What are your play clothes?


  1. Great finds. Particularity fond of the one with the motorcycle. Love a good motorcycle!

    Play clothes are shorts & classic t, nothing as fun as these I'm afraid. Guess I need to step-up.
