Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Obedient Son" now at Generra

David “Swaim” Hutson (above), from the wonderful but defunct fashion label, Obedient Sons & Daughters, is now the creative director at Generra.

Mr. Peacock
remembers Generra being the “cool” brand as a teenager. It will be interesting to see Swaim Hutson’s creative touch at a mainstream contemporary label like Generra.

I'm still swooning over this Obedient Sons & Daughters embroidered jacket from last year.

It reminds me of this amazing embroidered tea towel and tablecloth from the 1940's—at Paula Rubenstein, Ltd.

Mr. Hutson began Obedient Sons as a t-shirt company in San Francisco, eventually expanding it to the cool New York menswear label (and women swear too)—Obedient Sons & Daughters. Swaim and his wife Christina (above with their cute daughter, from a few years ago) abruptly shut down Obedient Sons & Daughters last year, due to funding issues.

Shortly after they put together a new label, Hutson, but are not showing at New York Fashion Week.

Generra, however, are supposed to be presenting its Spring 2010 collection in New York on September 11(although I don't see them on the schedule)—designed by Mr. Hutson. Can’t wait to see it! Congratulations to Mr. Hutson, and Generra.

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