Monday, November 30, 2009

Can you spare a dime?

(click image above to enlarge)
Money is on the mind of everyone right now! My neighborhood grocery store has one of those self-service automated machines that counts your coins and gives you a receipt with your total, which you then exchange for cash at the front counter. Each time I’m at the store, someone is pouring a large container of saved coins into this machine hoping for a large total.

Here’s some of Mr. Peacock’s numismatic inspired goodies on his wish list right now:

1) I like the way this foreign coin necklace looks! I think it would look interesting draped around the neck of a gourd style lamp. You could also make your own charm necklace with all of the souvenir coins from your own travels.

2) Mr. Peacock has been obsessed lately with the estate of the late floral designer/party planner extraordinaire—Robert Isabell (and fellow Gemini). He was a keen collector with exquisite taste...and what treasure-box home he created (see more here)! His estate will be auctioned at Southeby's on December 17th.

He had an amazing coin sofa (shown above in a room at his home, from the NY Times) designed by the artist Johnny Swing, made up of over 7,000 nickels and 35,000 welds (detail below left).

The sofa is too large for my apartment, but the butterfly chair (#2 at top) would fit quite nicely. It’s made up of over 1,500 half-dollars and 7,000 welds (detail above right). It would be very luxurious lounging on money!

3) This vintage inspired gold coin and ribbon necklace would be a handsome gift for any hero in your life.

4) There are many different cuff links available made of vintage or replica coins. I like these elegant cuff links made with vintage Mercury dimes embellished with black enamel.

5) Everyone needs a touch of Fornasetti in his or her home! This brass and wood tripod occasional table decorated with drawings of Roman coins would add a chic decorative accent to your décor.

6) Mr. Peacock has always liked anything with a secret compartment (especially my Pee Wee Herman watch!), and these “Spy Coins” are no exception. The tops of these real coins pop off revealing a hidden hollow space perfect for hiding an illicit piece of paper, your bank code, or some high tech tracking device. These coins are the perfect stocking stuffer for the person who has everything!

7) This decorative lidded box (14.5"H x 11.5"W x 8.5"D) adorned with faux Roman coins reminds me of my mom’s vintage faux Roman coin medallion brooch. It would be a perfect vessel for saving cherished cards and letters.

8) Mr. Peacock has amassed a collection of exonumia (flattened embossed souvenir pennies) from various destinations across the United States. The machines are frequently located at touristy spots. Each one costs fifty cents, plus one sacrificial penny.

I just love watching the penny roll down the gears and get rolled flat, and then embossed with the tourist location...and plop out as a warm oval disc at the bottom of the machine. I’m not sure what I’ll do with my collection of embossed pennies...I guess I could make a charm necklace.

Anyway, I’m very glad to be back after a brief blog sojourn. Thank you for all of the kind emails and wonderful comments—I appreciate it! I hope everyone has an abundance of coins this holiday season!


  1. So glad to see that you're back to posting Mr. Preacock.

    I have to say that I'm one of those people that 'collects' their coins in a jar and then deposits them back with the bank - but my reson is mildly more O.C.D - I just hate coins. I hate the smell of them, and I feel really unclean after I've handled them. So I put them in a jar and deposit the jar when it's full.

    I love that amazing painting in the right-hand side of the picture of Mr. Isabell's lounge - you wouldn't happen to know whos work it is would you?


  2. How amazing, this couch is awsome
    wish i had one...

  3. penny for your that coin couch.

  4. Mr. Peacock wouldn't you just love to be there at Sotheby's for the Robert Isabell's auction. I saw that NYTimes article online the other day and loved everything thing in his house. He had STYLE. I hope you are well and I loved your new posting. Take care. Daniel

  5. I covet your Pee-wee Herman watch.

    secret word of the day: grack

  6. I love the foreign coin necklace. What a great idea for all the extra coins we amass when traveling.
    Do you happen to go to Molly Stones?

  7. I have missed you, Mr. Peacock. Glad you back !

  8. Thanks for the Johnny Swing enlightenment, Mr. Peacock.
    I would love to place my hiney on something that shiny!!
    (Welcome back from the rabbit hole you fell down.)

  9. Copper price just went up!
    glad you are back darling~

  10. Just discovered your fabulous blog. Love the money couch and chair.
    My husband and I were in a small town celebrating our copper anniversary. The only open store in the town was a hardware store, so we went in trying to find something made out of copper to comemmorate the day.
    What we found was a penny squishing machine. Our clerk graciously offered the two cents and the quarters to produce the souvenirs. We chose the noose design, the symbol of Plymouth, also known as Hangtown. Not our most romantic anniversary gift to each other, but a good one, none the less.

  11. Love your collection of exonumia (new term to me, thanks!) I always am fascinated by what people collect. I'm enjoying reading your blog. K
