Saturday, September 26, 2009

An Emile Norman Treasure

Last April, Mr. Peacock wrote about the extraordinary artist Emile Norman. I received a very lovely email from a reader whose husband was good friends with Mr. Norman, and had commissioned an elephant and cherub (which is in the likeness of Emile’s partner Brooks).

Here's a shot of the stylized elephant by Emile Norman. Thanks Sue for sharing your wonderful Emile Norman treasure!

A sad footnote:
Mr. Peacock was saddened to hear the news that Emile Norman passed away of natural causes last Thursday. Actress Jill Ekenberry, who produced (along with her husband actor Michael Tucker) the documentary, Emile Norman: By His Own Design, told the Los Angeles Times, that “he designed his life as well as his art.” Michael Tucker said, "The way he looked at his art and work was a calling. It flowed through him. He was the purest artist I ever met." Thank you Emile Norman for your inspiration to be true to yourself!

1 comment:

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