Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Peacock Respite...

A man and his peacock—Castro Street Fair, circa 1991.

Mr. Peacock is a bit under the weather (no Swine Flu here) and over-extended right now, and will be taking a brief blog break. I extend my apologies, but
will be back on Friday—bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Thank you for reading Mr. Peacock. See you Friday!


  1. hey there . . . hope you're feeling better soon!

  2. Now, that's Queer (yes, with a capital Q)!

    Get well soon!

  3. Oh, no! No molting, I hope. Feel better, very soon.

  4. Get better soon darling!

    Try this: 2 inches of ginger-sliced/diced & boiled in 1 1/2 cup of water-add 2 tbl spoon of honey...drink this tonic with Vit C least 3X a day! Works for me everytime! (consult your doctor of course...) ~XO*

  5. Mr. P. - I offer you a big bowl of electronic soup and a friendly pat on the head. Please feel better soon... I can't go too long without hearing from you!

  6. Thank you so much for
    all of the nice comments
    and support!

    I really appreciate it!

    Have a great weekend everyone...
    Mr. Peacock
