Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hiding the Eggs...

Above: Mr.Peacock and his dad, in the late 1960’s—hiding the Easter Eggs.

Like everyone else as a kid, we got the PAAS Egg Dying Kit and decorated hardboiled eggs for Easter. I remember the fizzing colored tablets and the smell of vinegar. Then we'd go to my grandmother Opal's house (my dad's mom) for an Easter dinner, and an egg hunt in the backyard. I guess my mom tried to color coordinate me and my dad in gray and red—me in charcoal trousers, 3-button red sport coat and red tie; while my dad wore charcoal trousers, black polo, and red cardigan sweater. My dad never wore ties, but I liked them as a kid—and my mom liked me wearing them too. Actually, I still like wearing ties.

What was your Easter tradition as a kid?


  1. Too, too cool for school. You and your dad are the epitome of early 1960's style here!

  2. Thanks TJB...
    Yes, my dad was always well-dressed and groomed...
