Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thank You Nightline...

Last night, Nightline (on ABC), had an insightful and informative piece (see photo above) on Alzheimer's. As you may already know, my mom and uncle both have Alzheimer's.You can watch the entire video of the segment—here. Nightline began this segment at a GQ Magazine photo shoot. As a culture we know the names of pop stars, but not our top scientists—the upcoming GQ shoot will feature top scientists, including Alzheimer specialists, as "rock stars" in a fashion spread. The host of Nightline, Terry Moran, whose own mother passed away from Alzheimer's, took a DNA test to find out his risk for different diseases—including Alzheimer's. Mr. Peacock thanks Nightline (and GQ) for increasing the awareness, and hopefully research, for Alzheimer's disease.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear that you are dealing with this also. My mother suffers from an "alzheimer's-type" dementia and my aunt was diagnosed and passed away back on the 90's. It's a tough thing to cope with in so many ways...
