Friday, March 13, 2009

A Peacock in Athens—FILEP MOTWARY

Filep Motwary is a fashion designer, blogger, illustrator, photographer and journalist currently based in Athens, Greece. This talented and dynamic peacock grew up in Cyprus, but has lived in various countries including France and Italy. He is currently putting the final touches on his Fall/Winter 2009/10 Filep Motwary Collection for Hellenic Fashion Week, with his collaborator and close friend, jewelry designer Maria Mastori.

Above: Maria Mastori (far left) and Filep Motwary (center) at their Spring/Summer 2008 Show—Same Time Tomorrow.

In addition to his fashion collection and collaborating with Maria, Filep is busy working on different projects around the world including various editorial and photography gigs. He’s interviewed many peacock icons including: Dries Van Noten, Walter Van Beirendonck, and Bernhard Willhelm. Mr. Motwary has a full plate of projects, and still finds time to create wonderful illustrated collages and artwork.

Above: A collage by Felip Motwary.

Mr. Peacock: How would you describe your own style?
Filep Motwary: At the moment, I feel and look boring and dull. I am the reflection of the city I live in.

MP: How old were you when you realized you were a peacock?
FM: Since I was a young boy, fashion has been one of my greatest interests. My teenage years, and a bit later, was a period of intense looks. Those days came to an end when I got my first job in the fashion business as an assistant stylist. I found it very difficult each time I had to go to the publisher’s office looking like that. I know this might sound a bit confusing, but I never understood why some people launch a fashion magazine if they are not open about it.

Above left to right: Backstage at the Motwary/Mastori Spring/Summer 2008; an image from the Motwary/Mastori Spring/Summer 2009 Collection.

Since then, I became less interested in the way I look; focusing more on my work as a designer, and also learning about history and people that intrigue me.

The glory days of “looking good” came back once I moved to Paris. In Paris, planning my look for the day had a reason—if you see my point. I loved it. Five years later, I am in Athens again, wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of jeans for the day (see photo above). I rarely go out and if I do—yes, I make the effort to carefully choose my outfit, but not as excited.

Above: Motwary/Mastori Spring/Summer 2008—photo/artwork by Filep Motwary.

MP: Did you always want to design clothing or did it just happen through serendipity?
FM: Ballet was my real passion—which I never expressed to my parents. Fashion happened naturally. My mother was a dressmaker, a typical story of a designer’s background. Nothing flashy though. Our home was the place for magazines, ladies drinking their coffee, music records, chit chat, and piles of fabrics.

Above: A sneak peek at the Filep Motwary Fall/Winter 2009/10 Collection—to see more, click here.

MP: What's your typical workday?
FM: I wake up at nine; arrive at the studio by ten. Depending on the appointments or the project we are in, my day finishes between five and one in the morning. Nothing is fixed, especially during the pre-fashion weekdays. Fittings take hours, so does the final models selection, the music composition (we always have our own music in our shows) etc...

MP: Who is your ultimate style icon?
FM: Male icons are not really my forte at 31 years of age, but I always envied Bowie’s guts—especially during the late 70’s. The man was for himself. Fantastic really!

Above: Mr. Peacock loves Filep's collage work—see more here.

MP: Who or what has influenced your style?
FM: No one actually. For example, I still don’t know the rules regarding a man’s jacket buttons. It hasn’t been my priority. I feel that If were born as a woman things would be different—my whole perspective towards life. Most men are boring to look at, only because they can’t express the drama of their sex. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that…

MP: Do you have a favorite menswear designer or brand?
FM: I like opposite designers: Yohji, Van Noten, Pugh, Willhelm,...It is shoes I focus mostly on, maybe because I had one pair per year as a kid, which was not enough for a dreamer like me.

MP: What's your favourite item in your wardrobe?
FM: Scarves from Vivienne Westwood and Chanel—a dear friend’s gift to me, and my collection of ankle boots by APC, Haute and YSL.

MP: What city has the best-dressed men?
FM: I have seen some charming gentlemen in Milan—men over 35. Also in London, the boys working at the Westwood boutiques look fantastic—especially this boy named Cecare at World’s End.

MP: What do you think of the current state of men's apparel?
FM: I don’t think about it. Someone impresses me every now and then, but it happens rarely. Maybe I am not as observing as I used to be.

Above: A shot from the Motwary/Mastori Spring/Summer 2007 Collection—Overtone Continuum.

MP: What gentleman peacock has the best style today?
FM: I like that guy, Lapo Elkann. Saw him once at CafĂ© de Flore—couldn’t take my eyes off him. (Mr. Peacock note: Lisa, Modern Lady with Panche, also admires Mr. Elkan’s style)

MP: Any dreams for the future?
FM: Money

Above: A documentary of the Filep Motwary & Maria Mastori Spring/Summer 2009 Collection, by Janos Visnyovszky.

Mr. Peacock is in awe of Filep Motwary’s creativity, and has no doubt there will be “money” in the future for this talented gentleman peacock. The Filep Motwary collection is available through Athens Fashions Showroom. You can read more about this dynamic peacock and his style adventures at his informative fashion blog, Un Nouveau Ideal. Thank you Filep!