Wednesday, March 4, 2009

On the eve of the Prop. 8 hearings…

Above: Looking towards Twin Peaks and Sutro Tower—the view from Mr. Peacock's roof.

As the deafening whir of helicopters is heard overhead, marchers are gathering on this beautiful balmy evening in my San Francisco neighborhood to march in anticipation of tomorrows California Supreme Court’s ruling on Proposition 8. Mother Nature decided give a reprise to the stormy weather of the past few days, allowing the peaceful marchers to walk from The Castro to the Civic Center for a rally—without the hindrance of rain.

Mr. Peacock
has been under the weather this past week, and will unfortunately not be marching this evening, but will be there in spirit and hope. I will keep my fingers crossed on the State Supreme Court’s decision on this issue of equality. Stay tuned…