Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Smokem if You Gotem"—Erik Foss

Mr. Peacock recently stopped by Gallery Three, down on 6th Street, a few doors down from the cafe, Tu Lan. If you’re familiar with that block, then you know there is a strong smell of urine with homeless and “shady” people wandering around and hanging out. Gallery Three, is like a diamond in the rough on this block. Their current show “Smokem if You Gotem” is a solo exhibit of the artwork by New York based artist, Erik Foss—curated by Justin Giarla.

This oversized piece of the American flag, with Erik Foss in front, is made entirely of homeless people's signs—with red, white and blue spray paint.

"It Is What It Is"

The location of Gallery Three is an appropriate location for Foss’s artwork, which makes a commentary on some of the social problems and complacency in our country.

He uses photography, stencils, paint, collage, paper, assemblage, and installation (I think whatever moves him)…to create his art. You know Mr. Peacock loves a good collage!


After I left the gallery and waited for the trolley car, I reflected on Erik Foss’s show and it left me feeling very melancholic...but hopeful. Hopeful in the sense that our new President will address some of the problems facing America that people don’t like to talk about, including homeless people. There are homeless people everywhere in our country, but it’s just more obvious in larger cities.

Gallery Three
is a satellite gallery of the Shooting Gallery SF, click here for more information. If you were at Art Basel in Miami Beach last week, you might have seen the Shooting Gallery SF booth at the AQUA Art fair.
Erik Foss's "Smokem if You Gotem" is up through January 10th—don't miss it!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to looking at more of Foss' work. We have a tremendous problem with homelessness here in Seattle that, I imagine, is only likely to worsen in the coming year. Thanks for posting about this, Mr. Peacock.
