Saturday, March 28, 2009

Walkin' through San Francisco...

One of Mr. Peacock's favorite bands, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, filmed their latest video in San Francisco, for their new single, Zero. In the video, the stylish lead singer, Karen O., starts at The Warfield concert hall and then struts through Chinatown, North Beach, down Market Street, the Greyhound Bus Station, and through the Broadway Tunnel.

The last time they played at The Fillmore, Mr. Peacock watched the show standing towards the back of the crowded main room. Karen O. was drinking shots of tequila while she sang, and being provocative with a banana on stage. Suddenly, she threw the banana peel into the audience and it landed directly at my feet—plop. I was laughing as I picked it up, and some girls in front of me asked if they could have it as a souvenir. Of course I obliged their request. Karen O. is a great performer and changed costumes numerous times. All of her amazing costumes are designed by Christian Joy. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are a great band to see live—if you get a chance to see them, don't miss it! Here's the tour dates.